Other than that I'm all set though! Apart from this presentation they want me to do on Ireland/Derry. I keep forgetting about it and I'll need to download PowerPoint onto he laptop to do it! Oh god.... I better get onto that after I finish this. But in my defence I have been awful busy the last few days. I've had to say goodbye to all of my friends and throw a party and pretend that I'm busy so my mother can't tell me off. It's a hard life...
The last week has basically been dedicated to saying goodbye to anyone who would let me. Me, Laura, Bernie and Amy all went out on the night of my birthday and had a brilliant time getting me quite tipsy in the beer Garden of the Dungloe.
It was a good night dispite them being an hour late to meet me! And it didn't end there I can tell you... Somehow we all ended up in back in my house and with me "blowing out" colouring pencils in a Swissroll cake that was bought for me in Centra. It was quite the surprise! And I love my girls :)
The next night me and Clare went out for a night on the tiles! Keep in mind that my alcohol comsumption for the week was at an abnormally high level. Clares night out wasn't going to help.... We did only get tipsy though and ended up in the Strand Bar (as all nights should end) trying to request cheesy songs to dance too! I got the GREATEST hat of all time from Breffni. I love it.

What else has happened? Oh yes!!!! The last quiz! Brian (the quiz master) basically MADE my night saying "Right well this is the last time you're going to have to listen to this for the next 10 months.... [plays D:reams "Things can only get better"]. I'm going to miss the quiz :( It's a shame we lost!

Well I guess that's my last week in Derry lads! Next time I'm going to leaving a blog I'll be in Slovakia (or the Airport... It all depends on how bored I get tomorrow).
Love the lot of ye and I'll write again soon :)